I stood at the window hearing the sound of the drops of water on the roof. The rain was falling as the clouds were moving. Wherever the clouds move- the rains will fall. There were many sounds of the water falling on different things around. The sound falling on roof was different than that falling on the earth.

….never the same again….

The sound of the drops falling on the sand was different than touching on my hands. What sound  does my life make in different here and now(s)? What sound does it make when it touches the soul of different people? What sound does it make when my own thoughts meet with different poles of myself. I am never the same again- I tell myself – A silent chaos and a peaceful mist- both meeting together and making the sound of another me.

I feel devastated and fragile and I feel up on the mountains and divine. Both at the same time and both traveling inisde the lanes of my mind showing me the destinations of love and fire and leading me to the pond of water of rains that I admire.  I am now sitting near the pond of my own different selves looking at them differently.

Alas, I am never the same again~